HSE Policy


Our health and safety policy outlines our overall approach, level of commitment, and the systems we have established to manage health and safety in our business. We also specify who performs what tasks, when and how. Maalik Oil Field Services (Pvt) Ltd. believes that an effective HSE program and plan is essential key for successful and timely completion of the project.

 Responsibilty for health and safety

HSE Manager shall have the overall responsibility for the implementation of the HSE. The coordination and execution of the plan shall be the responsibility of Maalik Oil Field Services (Pvt) Ltd. Health and safety advisor, who has a staff function in the organization.

Our HSE Policies

1. Emergency procedure

First priority of Maalik Oil Field Services (Pvt) Ltd in case of any emergency is to save human life at any cost for which we have proper key points which we strictly follow; for example, in case of emergency all men are evacuated to safe place, then all equipment is shut down. We also immediately informed the client representative about emergency situation.

2. First aid

A first aid attendant will be available at the site for assistance during all field work. At least 2-4 site staff members shall be trained to administer first aid.

3. Fire protection

Sufficient and relevant firefighting equipment shall be provided to maintain a fire prevention standard. Maalik Oil Field Services (Pvt) Ltd also makes sure that all flammables must be transported and stored in specially designed containers mentioned with INFLAMMABLE.

4. Procedures

Maalik Oil Field Services (Pvt) Ltd takes special measures while doing all types of procedures, from cranes and lifting to storing materials. We ensure the safety of all men working at the site. We have key points which are mandatory to follow by all the workers at the site; for example, in case of cranes and lifting procedure workers cannot use cranes without inspection; similarly, while operating with hands and tools we make sure the correct type, size, and weight of tool shall be used. We also make sure all storage material should be placed in racks in an organized manner.

5. Safety meetings

We have our safety meetings bi-weekly, conducted by the appointed supervisor, and employees also receive a weekly tool-box safety talks from his immediate supervisor.

6. Safe food services to workers

Maalik Oil Field Services (Pvt) Ltd, implemented ten rules of safe food handling which are mandatory to follow for all workers these rules include use of extreme care in storing and handling food prepared in advance of service, also there are certain temperatures for cooking and heating. We give special attention to the good hygiene of workers and also cleanliness of the area where we handle all the food work.

7. Medical checks of workers

We make sure all new employees have undergone a medical examination at the company’s expense. In the case of certain illnesses, they will be allowed to take a day off from work, but they must have to report to their manager on day one of their illness.

8. Personal hygiene of workers

It is the responsibility of all management to ensure that sufficient training in personal hygiene is given and that a high standard of hygiene is maintained.

9. Safe environment

We integrate environmental planning into operations management to drive emissions reductions, waste minimization and biodiversity conservation efforts.